At EDC, we teach your new language very similar to the way you learned your first language. It differs, however, in that the curriculum is sequenced and structured to make it possible for adults to assimilate a new language in the shortest amount of time possible. Four important features of our method are:
1. Instruction is 100% live. We don’t use time consuming, quality diluting gadgets which can slow the learning process. At EDC the curriculum is founded on an effective, time tested conversational learning approach. To teach practical spoken skills, the EDC Method is second to none.
2. Translation is eliminated so that the student learns to speak without hesitation and begins to think only in his or her new language. The speed of learning a spoken language is increased if the laborious mental process of translation is avoided. We teach the student to think in the language, helping to make speaking a reflex action.
3. Native instructors – EDC instructors are fully trained in the EDC Method – “Total Conversational Approach”. Each will be teaching in his or her native tongue, with the authority and assurance that cannot be approached by someone teaching with second language ability. Of course, this means that the student will learn the spoken language and not a stilted textbook approximation.
4. New vocabulary, structures, phrases, and expressions are taught in a natural progression. Skills are expanded progressively, building upon previous conversations mastered through practice. Oral and aural proficiency is developed by teaching the most frequently used aspects of the language amenable to the background and needs of the student.