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We can help you purchase any books on

Handling charge(代購):

HK$80 per book

(collect book in EDC Languages Centre, Wanchai)

Handling/delivery policy, please refer to the




Free Delivery to Courier company (you pay the courier fee upon collection):
Purchase at least 3  books or at least $150 handling fee. Fee and delivery information:

(We provide the free service to pack the books and deliver to Courier company, they will charge you for the mailing fee from HK$20 – 50 per pack, e.g. 4kg around HK$40, subject to the current postage fee from courier company) . Please check by yourself and they will collect the courier fee upon delivery.

Please understand, this service is to help people purchase Mandarin books which are not available in Hong Kong bookshop. If you can find books which can be purchased somewhere else with cheaper price, you are encouraged to do so. Thanks.



1. Purchase books and pay.

2. Option to collect in EDC, Wanchai or mail to your place.

3. After payment, we will order the book you paid, at least 7 working days the book will be delivered to courier company. If more than 14 working days, we will notify you for the stock availability.